Thursday, 17 March 2011

intial sketches

To start my design process it seemed important to play with shape as many of the toys designed for the market are made up of simple shapes. Using simple shapes means the molding process will be less complex resulting in a more concise final product.

Adding character to the product. These outline sketches enabled me to manipulate line to add emotion to hte piece also reusing techniques on the market eventually leading to my own developments of ideas.

Adding these ideas together has created some different ideas tying in with my proposal although I have not found my final design at this point. Further manipulation of shape are need hopefully to create a more simple design with a kawaii effect. Moving into Illustrator and designing with shape my help this process.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Intial moodboard

Looking at shape and colour to help design ideas. Clean round lines are trends I have found through research simple shape is important as the product needs to be held, touch will add to the aesthetics of the piece. A lot of ideas seem to be based on bulky imposing shapes alongside childlike use of colour achieving eye catching results. 


My aim in this project is to design a resin toy for mass production the toy will be designed for a collector market. The product must suit the contemporary market as well as add new ideas to an already flooded arena. It is important to create character to the toy through packaging and background imagination, to create a desirability for the product achievable through research processes and process development. My initial ideas are to create a hybrid creature amalgamating animals to create an evolving mutant. Moreover the creature my have a Kawaii feel to co inside with the dynamics of the market today.